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If you are a new visitor to this site and Want to know how to join most of the files that you see here which are of the form .001, .002 will use hjsplit.

To join them you just need to use hjsplit. Download here. You do not have to install HJSplit. Just click on HJSplit.exe to start HJSplit. After that, the main window of HJSplit will appear.

1)To join the files, click on ‘Join’:

2)In the new window that appears, click on input file:

3)In the new window, select only the first file of the files that we would like to join (it automatically shows only .001 file), so fired.avi.001 in this case, and click on ‘Open’ after that.

4)Click on ‘Start’:

5)Now HJ-Split will join the file, in few seconds. When it is finished you will see this message:

The files have been successfully joined! The joined output file is stored in the default location, which would be same as the location of your input .001 file. Enjoy :)

***NOTE : All the files must be present in the same folder during this process, Changing of names must be done only after joining all the files i.e, .001,.002 and so on.


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